Valentine’s Day-Themed Team Building Activities
Valentine’s Day is almost here, and you might be considering to hold some team-building activities at work. This is actually a good idea and you can actually come up with a couple of activities that your employees can participate in.
Some of the activities you can have for your Valentine-themed team-building event are the following:
- Setting up Valentine-theme decorations
One good activity to hold for your Valentine’s Day event is dressing up your office for the occasion. It will be a good chance for everyone to collaborate and do their part in decorating your workplace. You’ll also see a lot of creative ideas being thrown in, and you would also be able to witness who have innate leadership abilities.
If your office is composed of divided sections per department or business unit, you may also consider holding a decoration contest where the group with the best decoration will win a prize. It would add a challenge and may motivate your employees more to participate. A lot more leaders would blossom, and there would be a bigger participation per member, so it may bring better results than simply asking them to decorate your workplace.
- Cupcake-making contest
You may consider holding a cupcake-making contest at work this Valentine’s day. This can be done individually but to improve workplace relations, it’s best if you can encourage them to work on teams. Baking can be quite a challenge; working together would bring great results.
The groups can bring the cupcakes to work and you can have a panel of judges (may it be your company’s executives, or some guests) taste the cupcakes to determine which team has the best cupcakes. Of course, to ensure nobody feels bad, you can either come up with consolation prizes, or you can simply hold a cupcake party.
- Dance Contest
Dancing is a fun activity that can also double as a team-building activity. Dancing is also great for any occasion, so it can be done for your Valentine’s Day event. Again, group your employees into a team of your desired number of members. It would be great if you can have different departments join together, or you can actually form groups that have equal representation from your business units. You can then hold a dance competition that you can end as a fun Valentine’s Day dance party.
- Secret Valentine
The Secret Santa tradition can be re-wired to be a fun activity to hold during Valentine’s Day. A few days before February 14, have your employees pick a name of other employees which they will have to send notes or small gifts to in the next few days. On Valentine’s Day itself, hold a party where the names of the givers would be revealed. Add a little challenge and ask each one to make a guess first before their Secret Valentine gets revealed.
- Singing Contest
Singing is also one activity that can be held on any occasion. You can hold a singing contest in many ways. One way is to actually have participants sing and have them rated by a panel of judges. Another way is to have them guess the lyrics of songs just as a participant of The Singing Bee would do on the game show. Make sure that the songs are Valentine-related so everything would fall into the theme.
- Musical Play
Find the best actors and actresses at work by holding a short musical play in your office. It might be quite a challenge but the time that your employees can spend in planning, rehearsing, and commencing the play would be very beneficial. You can even turn this activity into a big event and invite the family members of your employees to the audience. Of course, the theme of the play should be related to love, but make sure that it would be appropriate for your audience.
This might really sound like too much work, but this is definitely one of the most rewarding team-building activity you can hold this Valentine’s Day.
- Valentine’s Day Ball
A ball is not something that is always done in the corporate setting but if you have the resources for it, it’s a good idea to set up a Valentine’s Day themed ball for your employees to attend. For the team-building part, have your employees join in on the planning and the organizing of the event. From searching the venue to setting up the decoration, and coming up with the flow of activities during the event, your employees would spend a lot of a good time together and this can surely make them feel very much closer than ever before.
Holding a grand event like this is best if February has a lot of significance for your company.
- Valentine’s Day Potluck
If a ball is too much, a simple Valentine’s Day potluck may suffice. Have your employees bring their specialties in shareable quantities so you can have a fun lunch together. It’s also a fun idea to wear clothes that will represent your relationship status. If you don’t like that idea, then at least have everyone wear something red.
- Have Valentine’s Day Booths
Divide your company into teams and allow each team to freely come up with mini-activities that can be participated in by all. They can come up with games, sell goodies, and do other things that they think can be a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
- Hold an outreach activity
It’s a noble idea to hold an outreach activity to spread the love to those who need it most. A little corporate social responsibility for a huge cause, timed at the day of love is such a wonderful idea. Not only will you be able to help, but your employees would also have an opportunity to work with each other to accomplish an act of true love. You may consider going to a retirement home, a school for kids with special needs, an orphanage, or any place that might need some love.
Nevertheless, you can always enjoy more with your workmates with a company outing near Manila; we suggest that you get in touch with nature and do some outdoor activities. Take this time away from the usual dinner dates; have fun with your family, friends, or workmates and create more memories this Valentine’s Day.
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