8 Ideas for Employee Perks That can Boost Team Productivity Fast
Workplace and employee productivity is crucial.
It’s essential to keep your company alive and breathing. Unfortunately, when all is going well, a lot of organizations don’t think much about it.
But if everything’s falling apart, operations quickly go to a halt.
So how do you turn your employees into a productivity powerhouse? What’s the secret to making your employees more productive?
Here’s everything you need to know on how you can boost your team’s productivity:
Provide Learning Opportunities
When you allow your employees to enhance their skills, you’re in for a win-win situation. Not only will your staff be grateful for the opportunity, but you’ll be able to gradually build a stronger team as you’re allowing them to advance their skills.
The kind of learning opportunity that you’ll offer is solely up to you. If you’re a large organization, you may even afford to sponsor your employees to pursue advanced degrees. If you’re a small to medium-sized business, you can treat your workers with an occasional networking outing.
As long as you have something to offer your workers, they’ll appreciate the effort.
Provide Free Food
You could offer your employees a free lunch or free snacks. If it isn’t possible, giving an occasional meal during the busiest days of the week will be a thoughtful gesture.
Why? Because it gives your workers one thing less to worry about.
So, if you find your workers swamped with their day to day tasks, show them some love by offering them free food like catered lunch or free pizza.
Moreover, having free food in your office encourages everyone to gather around and unwind during their lunch hours. Offering delicious treats gives them excellent motivation to finish their tasks and be productive for the rest of the day.
Organize Company Retreats
Going for a company retreat is a big thing. It’s fun and gives everyone in the office a jolly good time. That’s something that a lot of senior employees appreciate and junior employees wish to experience.
It also helps you accomplish two things: First, it brings your entire team in a non-work environment. Second, they are allowed to have fun.
Not only will this provide a rewarding experience to your employees for all their hard work, but it also forges exciting connections with everyone in the team.
Provide Holistic Wellness Programs
Both health and wellness is something most people are concerned with but have difficulty making time for. So, why not help your employees out?
Encourage and help workers to make their health a priority. Doing so will make them a lot happier and productive.
Maybe give your employees a discount with a local gym or offer mediation rooms for your workers to help them refocus after a hectic workday.
Upgrade Your Office Equipment
Technology is necessary to complete the day to day tasks in the office, but why stop there?
If you’re worried about the costs, then you need to look at things from a different perspective.
Several start-ups have excellent ideas for gadgets that needed testing. There are a lot of promotions as well. So, there’s always an opportunity to get good deals.
Reward them for a Job Well Done
Offering rewards for good performance should be a staple in an organization’s practices and a list of benefits. So it’s essential that you have to regularly reward employees for their hard work, and not just by the end of the year.
If someone does outstanding work, acknowledge their efforts. If someone gives a breakthrough for the organization, reward them with something bigger such as a promotion.
Having recognition and award systems matter.
Create Family-Focused Programs
While family-focused programs are exclusive to bigger organizations, there are alternatives.
If you have a smaller business, it can be something like allowing your workers to have a few extra days off for family requirements and emergencies. That’s a great way to show your concern for your workers’ families.
Give Paid Time Off
You can think about offering your employees an unlimited paid time off (PTO). However, this doesn’t mean an open vacation policy wherein employees can take vacations for half a year and still receive paychecks.
Instead, you should adopt a policy for employees to take as much paid time off they need to recharge their batteries. But only as long as they continue to meet their deadlines and produce results.
Over to You
By incorporating these perks in your organization, over time, you’re able to attract the top talent, improve employee satisfaction, and decrease your turnover rate. As a result, you’re able to drive a more profitable business in the long run.
Having a successful business means that you’re not only focusing on your customer’s needs. It’s also to ensure that your employees are taken care of as well.
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