Hone Your Team’s Critical Thinking Skills through Team Building
Here in Quest Adventure Camp, we help build your team through play.
Usually, people perceive that team building activities are made to build and strengthen trust among team members, as well as improve a team’s dynamics as they went through the program. While the majority of the activities here in Quest Adventure Camp are mainly driven towards building a team as a team, we also consider individual improvement as part of our programs.
When participating in a team building session, you will be separated from the usual people you have a conversation with, which jet starts the critical thinking exercise ahead. You come up with different ways on how to introduce yourself, how to befriend your new group mates — everything is new and it puts you in a stressful situation that helps you improve your critical thinking skills.
Intrapersonal Skills – More Than Just Trust Falls
Team building isn’t solely for trust games, but we aim to tap the hidden potential of a person through various team building activities.
Aside from honing your interpersonal skills with your teammates, we also strive to develop every team member’s intrapersonal skill — therefore letting them discover more about themselves as a part of the group. Little by little, we assume different positions within the group, thereby helping us to cope with each other’s needs during the actual activity itself.
While performing different team building activities, the brain works its wonders, too. Team building activities help each participant to develop critical thinking as they go through the course. You might ask; “why not invest in seminars or workshops if I want my team to enhance their critical thinking?” Studies have shown that game-based learning “sticks” better than the usual classroom setup. It’s easy to tell people to cooperate and use their minds to solve puzzles, but applying it in actual situations helps people learn to adjust themselves to cope up with the situation.
How Team Building Events Can Hone Your Critical Thinking Skills
Here at Quest Adventure Camp, we have set up different routines for different types of team building activities. We make sure that we provide the best outdoor experience for each of our participants. As we previously discussed on our blog on the Benefits of Team Building here at Quest Adventure Camp, our rope courses are challenging enough to test each participant’s wit.
15 Station Mango and 13 Station Gemilina Rope Courses
Rope courses are a great start to tap into your team’s critical thinking skills. How each member will adapt and cope with the pressure, plus cooperating with their own teammates make rope courses one of the challenging courses in Quest Adventure Camp.
Rope courses are challenging for individual and group activities. Whether it’s a low rope or a high rope course, you can tremendously benefit from these kinds of activities. Physically, you can test your fitness and strength capabilities. Cardiovascular endurance can easily be measured from this activity. On the other hand, muscle control is another skill that you can gauge during team building.
Once you’re high up in the air, you will discover and develop your capability to balance and flex yourself to maintain equilibrium. This is where your critical thinking skills should kick in. Being able to discern which next step to take, what to do to coordinate yourself with the team’s movement, and more. For starters, you may be surprised how rope courses can help stimulate your mind. Because of the task, you may experience fear at first, but as you continue to traverse through the course, an overwhelming sense of relief and courage fills you. With this renewed strength to pursue the course, you become more focused, you become agile in finishing the course.
The Adventure Tower
As the ultimate course in Quest Adventure Camp, the Adventure Tower is the best place to test your critical thinking skills as you traverse through different courses as you ascend the tower. The Akyat Bahay Wall at the Adventure Tower perhaps is the most difficult obstacle of all, as this requires muscle endurance and tenacity to reach the top.
While others may think that the Adventure Tower is more of a physical test, they got it wrong. It’s not a joke to climb this 12-meter wall through wall climbing and even going through doors, windows, cargo nets, and tires. Adventure Tower is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience that you can find here at the Quest Adventure Camp.
There’s nothing more fulfilling at this point than the spectacular view offered at the top of the tower — you may opt to zip line across two municipalities or rappel down the wall. We recommend taking the zipline route if you want to reward yourself with a naturescape like no other. For the more adventurous soul, we recommend rappelling, another great way to tap into your hidden critical thinking skills. Timing the descent while rappelling will require you to use your mind.
Thinking Forward
Critical thinking is an integral mind process that should be enhanced during team building activities. It helps people become good decision-makers, as well as independent individuals which do not require extensive attention. It helps people analyze the proper route to take and adapt to a stressful situation without lessening their perception due to stress.
Creating a healthy, competitive environment at work is important. After a day’s worth or so of team building activities, it’s important to follow up during work. Talk with your teammates and continue to assess the situation they’re in. Now that they feel more comfortable expressing themselves, it can help the team unit as a whole in resolving problems involving office matters.
Critical thinking is using your cognitive skills to be able to think with a purpose and goal-directed. Try to find out and see where you can further improve your skills. It cannot be achieved overnight, nor in one sitting. However, through constant practice and personal development through various team building activities, you can “unlock” critical thinking as a new skill you’ve earned.
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