How to Help Your Employees Relieve Their Stress
Train rides that are completely exhausting, traffic jams that add an hour or two on your travel time to and from your workplace, toxic workmates that suck the life out of you — these are just some of the many woes employees face every working day.
Now, the question that you should ask yourselves is this: What should we do to help our employees relieve their stress?
Deadlines are enough reasons to send them into a frenzy, but other factors that could contribute to their overall demeanor should be addressed as well.
Here are ways on how you can improve the way they perceive work with less stress and more time for a healthier lifestyle:
Facilitate and Open Dialogue
Initiating a regular open dialogue with your employees will foster a better relationship among them. This way, they will get to air out any confusion and misunderstanding brought about by a lack of communication within a certain unit.
It’s important that you start a platform for all your employees to speak out to improve their communication process.
In fact, research says that employees that have a negative relationship with their superior are likely to have mental health issues, including anxiety and sleeping problems, even potential high blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack.
Organize Meditation Classes
Who says you can only meditate at a meditation center or in the comforts of your home? Office meditation has become a thing following the surge of work-related stress among employees.
You can dedicate at least a 30-minute break during work hours and invite your employees to practice meditation on their desks or in one of your office’s function hall.
An article by the Harvard Business Review said that a huge number of CEOs have been doing meditation to improve their work quality and that they continue to find ways on how they can encourage their employees to do the same thing as well.
Organize Team Building Activities
Holding regular team building activities is an age-old technique to bring your employees together in a fun setting.
They consider it to be a break from their usual routine and an effective way to take their minds off from their deadlines and workloads even just for a day or two. This is a great way also to get to know your employees on a friendly level.
Quest Adventure Camp is one that you can trust when it comes to building and strengthening your company’s teamwork. They have various obstacle courses and challenges that you and your team can enjoy while learning the value of camaraderie and team effort.
Provide Flexible Work Schedule
For your employees who live far from the workplace, a flexible work schedule is a blessing.
You have to understand the struggle of commuting or driving from their homes to the office while thinking about the impending deductions from their salary if they arrive late.
A flexible working schedule allows them to manage their own time without compromising their work quality. You might be surprised by the effect of this on their overall work ethic.
Encourage Physical Movement
If you want them to stay happy in the workplace, you have to increase their endorphin level. And you could do that by encouraging them to hit the gym or exercise every day.
You can start by inviting them to lunch and then walk toward the restaurant of your choice. You can also organize a fitness class at least once in a while to let them know that you are serious about your goal to get them moving.
Redecorate Your Office
If the work environment gets a little boring for everyone in the team, or that the aura of your work area has become dull, the way to go about it is to start redecorating your space.
Involve everyone in the team in this activity. From planning the desk arrangement to adding plants or color to the place, sprucing up your workplace is an instant bonding experience among your employees.
Create Quiet Time
When things go crazy at work, employees might need an area that they can run to and just breathe and take a break away from the chaos. Quiet time helps one get back on track and readjust their focus to the things that matter.
Encourage Spontaneity
Routines can lower their enthusiasm at work. In fact, it might even be the cause of burnouts.
Spontaneity can help avoid that.
You can experiment and mix up their work routine, all while encouraging them to make time for other stuff aside from their tasks at hand.
Provide Time for Passion Projects
Like most of us, we also would like to spend time doing other projects that we love other than focusing on going up the career ladder.
Your employees would certainly appreciate it if you give them the freedom to make time for their passion.
It could inspire them to be better at what they do, eventually sending heaps of positive outcomes to the quality of their work.
Host “Drink Talk Learn” Party
A Drink Talk Learn party should never be about shop talk. It should circle around getting to know your employees more outside of the workplace.
It’s important that you listen to what they have to say to improve your working relationship with each and every one of them.
If you want to build a sturdy pool of employees within your company, you have to ensure that your workplace is a space where stress is a thing of the past.
Build a team that you can work with comfortably, and your company will surely achieve great heights.
If you don’t know where to start and you want to address certain concerns, feel free to contact Quest Adventure Camp for your company’s team building needs.
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