Five Exciting Team Building Games You Can Do Outdoors
A team building trip isn’t complete without activities that provide opportunities for team members to bond with each other, build trust, establish rapport, and meet new officemates.
While it’s important to find perfect venues for a team building such as Quest Adventure Camp, the #1 team building venue near Manila, it’s also important to incorporate new and fun activities that aren’t boring for the players. If you’re planning for your company’s or your department’s next team building trip, take a look at these exciting games perfect for the outdoors:
Maze games
One of the most challenging team activities, playing maze games provide an opportunity for participants to coordinate and trust each other. Depending on the magnitude of the maze, this can either be a very challenging team activity that puts everyone’s cooperation to the test, or an activity that puts each other’s trust under the spotlight.
If you’re an avid fan of Survivor (TV series), you’ll be familiar with this wooden maze board designed to be played by a team, where coordination is key to drive a metal ball through the maze and reach the end to win. There are also maze games that require crisp listening skills and trust among the group, such as a blindfold maze:
- Blindfolded participants will have to navigate a route only with verbal instructions from their teammates
- Once they reach the end, the blindfolded participants should then retrace their steps back to the starting point
- The team whose participant is closest to their starting point wins
Blindfolded Guessing Games
This activity will test the teams’ courage and commitment. Simply make mystery boxes and put random things inside. Since the blindfolded participants can’t see what’s inside the boxes, they’re definitely in for a surprise upon inspecting these items while only using their hands to feel and identify what’s inside these boxes. Make sure to put items that have odd textures to make the game more interesting and fun!
Spider Web Obstacle Course
Feel like Indiana Jones and get through challenging obstacles with a twist! By creating a maze of ropes tied together in a number of points to form a web, team members will have to climb through the maze from a starting point to another using only their hands without letting any part of their bodies touch the web. You can also add colored strings and attached it to their waists. All team members must be able to cross this web maze without getting their strings touch or intersect.
Minefield Blindfolded Game
Another activity designed to build confidence among team members, Minefield aims to create a working environment that allows each member to trust one another. This activity can also turn self-sufficient team members and turn them into team-players that collaborate with their peer.
Find an open area without any obstruction, which can either be outdoors or inside a hall. Then, scatter mines which can be items like disposable cups, soccer cones, or anything that doesn’t pose a safety hazard. Participants of a team will then have to blindfold one team member one at a time and guide them with just verbal instructions. However, should a member hit a “mine”, the team will have to start over and reset. You can even add bonus items like a “life” that immunes a team from starting over when they hit a mine or provide certain items with a corresponding bonus prize along the minefield to create more excitement. The first team to bring all their team members across the minefield wins!
Leaking Pipes
Warning: This game can get messy! Leaking Pipes is an activity designed to encourage interaction and cooperation while under pressure in a fun way. You will need:
- Several cups
- Pipes with holes
- Ping pong balls
- stopwatch
The objective of the game is to retrieve the ping pong ball placed at the bottom of a pipe with small holes. They will have to fetch water from one end of the course using one cup at a time and fill the pipe. Since the pipe has holes in it, members will have to strategize their manpower between those who will clog the holes and stay with the pipe, and those that will relay water. The team which gets to retrieve the ping pong ball the fastest wins.
While there is a multitude of activities you can do outdoors, we think these activities are exciting enough that they deserved to be featured here on our blog. We hope you can give these activities a try on your next team building trip at Quest Adventure Camp!
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