COVID-19: Safety Tips You Should Know and Practice
Many of us may not have expected something like COVID-19 could happen in this lifetime. We’ve heard about the cholera outbreak, bubonic plague, and influenza as some of the pandemic issues that wiped out hundreds of thousands of populations across the world.
In the Philippines alone, Tuberculosis remains to be one of the leading causes of death for years now. And just like COVID-19, Tuberculosis also massively affects a person’s respiratory system.
Experts say that overpopulation could be one of the predisposing factors why viral diseases, such as COVID-19, are widely and easily transmitted. Therefore, make sure that you practice these safety tips below to remain virus-free:
Know How the Virus Spreads
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initially informed the public that the virus is transmitted from person-to-person. These respiratory droplets that an infected person produces when sneezing or coughing can stay in your clothing for hours, and even longer in metals.
And just recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that the virus is airborne, which makes more people become vulnerable to infection.
Keep Yourself Updated
Be very diligent and cautious with what you read and hear from the news or online. Fake news and articles are everywhere, unfortunately, which causes unnecessary panic and anxiety for some.
Make sure that you only check reliable websites, like the CDC or WHO, because they provide real-time updates anyway.
Make use of your local health providers, as well as the national and local government units, for any important announcements and maybe how you can help out during these trying times.
Stay at Home
They say that everyone should start acting like they have the virus. Meaning, be extra cautious, and stay at home.
Whether you have symptoms or not, or have had exposures or not, help whenever you can and avoid crowded areas.
Viruses live in its host and need one to propagate. If we limit the hosts until a cure or a vaccine is ready, then we help flatten the curve in our own little way.
Practice Social Distancing
Make sure that you avoid close contact with people who are sick, or if there is at least one positive case in your community.
Regardless if you are a healthy individual, remember that you have a family to go home too, especially if you have kids around, although there is a 0-1% positive case for kids aged 0-9 years old.
Nonetheless, here are the group of people who are at higher risk of getting very ill:
- Older adults, 65 years and older
- People who have underlying issues:
- Heart diseases
- Diabetes
- Lung diseases
There is no definite information yet regarding transmission to pregnant women and vertical transmission from mother to child during pregnancy too. This area is still under study.
Wash Your Hands Thoroughly
Apparently, one of the ways to slow down the virus transmission is by going back to the basic practice of handwashing.
You have to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, or simply sing two Happy Birthday songs instead. Do it before making family meals, after you cough or sneeze, after being out, and after touching doorknobs.
Basically, do it as much as possible or whenever you deem necessary. As an added protection, apply alcohol or hand sanitizers to disinfect.
Always keep in mind that prevention is a lot better than cure.
Practice Cough Etiquette
Make sure that you always practice cough etiquette, not just during these times, but all the time.
Either use a tissue to cover your mouth when you cough and then discard it right away. If no handkerchief or tissue available, use your hands or bend your elbows to use as a cover. And then, make sure to wash your hands up to your arms immediately.
It is not too much to ask, so please help out whenever you can.
Clean and Disinfect
Many of us are quarantined at home right now. So make use of this time to spend a few hours or so to deep clean the house and disinfect.
Although person-to-person transmission poses a greater risk, CDC still and all the more recommends disinfecting surfaces too, as a way of precautionary measures. Start with the frequently touched surfaces, such as the doorknobs, taps, light switches, and even tables.
Did you also know that your mobile phones are the number one bearer of viruses and germs? So make sure you disinfect it too.
You can make your own disinfectant spray by mixing 1 cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water. Don’t forget to label your container and keep it away from the reach of children.
Know When to Use a Face Mask
There has been a global plea from hardworking frontliners how basic personal protective equipment (PPE) are hoarded by those who are not even at risk.
It is important to know that a healthy individual who wears a mask is put to waste if the one who is sick is not wearing any.
Make these things available to those who need it the most. Department of Health (DOH) already mentioned that if this rate of infection continues, the Philippine record may reach up to 75,000 positive cases. So let us always do whatever we can to contribute to flattening the curve and stop being so self-centered.
The world has already been faced with this pandemic, and there’s nothing we can do to brush it off anymore. The only thing to do now is slow down its curve rise and start to care for one another.
Remember that if you have any urgent questions or feel any symptoms or have been exposed to someone who tested positive with COVID-19, DOH is ready to help. Check their COVID-19 emergency hotline and feel free to give them a call if medical assistance is badly needed.
This too shall pass, as clichè as it may sound, and sooner or later, things will go back to normal again. Until then, stay at home, wash your hands, and strengthen your faith.
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