Camping for the First Time? Here are Essential Camping Tips You Should Know
If you’re going camping for the very first time, you’re not wrong to think that there’s a lot of things that you need to know.
Well, think of it this way: All of us are beginners once ‒ and even professional campers have experienced a mishap or two.
New campers are bound to commit the most common camping mistakes. But to become a smart camper, you need to be aware of the best advice and tips for your first-ever outdoor camping experience to be a successful one.
Check the Weather
Unexpected rain during a camping trip could be one big downer.
So, once you’ve decided on the dates that you want to camp, make sure that you check with a trustworthy weather forecast provider beforehand so that you’ll know what to expect. And even if that forecast states that there will be no chance of rain, you should always be prepared, just in case.
For starters, ensure that the tent you pick is water-resistant, and you bring along a rain jacket for every person. If there’s a good chance that it will rain, bring along a tarp that you could string up somewhere so that you won’t be stuck in your tent.
Find a Nearby Campsite
You don’t have to travel that far when going on your first camping trip. You might find out that you have trouble with your gear, or you may run out of supplies. The weather could even change for the worse.
A lot of circumstances could happen that might require you to go home early. Luckily, the Quest Adventure Camp is just a short drive away from Metro Manila, and about 45 minutes away from SM Masinag.
Make a Camping Checklist
Since it will be your first time camping, then you might not know what exactly to bring with you. Although you might bring some stuff, the chances are slim that you know everything that you might need.
That’s why it makes sense to make a camping checklist.
Take your time to put together a list that fits both your camping wants and needs, and you can use it in your next trips as well. You can use it while you’re packing as you check off each item.
You could then update and revise the list as you go along. If something is missing or wears out, you could always find a replacement for it. If there’s something that you feel won’t be used, then tick it off the list.
Buy the Right Tent
When it comes to choosing tents, make both spaces, and comfort a priority. Because most of these tents are likely to fit on the trunk of your car (unless you’re backpacking), weight and size shouldn’t be a major concern.
For families camping with a tent, always get one with a larger capacity. For instance, if you’re a family of four, get a six-person tent.
Don’t Forget the Sleeping Bags
It always helps that you bring a sleeping bag along because temperatures are expected to drop characteristically low at night.
When choosing the right sleeping bag, pay close attention to the season and temperature rating so that you’ll select the optimal temperature for the time of the year to camp.
Get Familiar With Your Gear
New campers would usually wait until they arrive on the actual site to try on their camping gear. It’s common for new campers to waste hours trying to set up a tent.
So, set up your tents back home first. Check camp stoves, lanterns, and ensure that they work properly. You can try sleeping on your sleeping bag on the floor of your living room to check how well you sleep on it.
Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time
Planning what you’re going to cook and what you’re going to eat will save you a lot of time and hassle.
Research the local area first, check for eateries and restaurants where you could eat just in case.
Observe the Campsite’s Rules
What a lot of new campers might realize is that there’s no privacy when you’re in the campground. Sound travels well, and that could keep a lot of campers from having a good night’s rest.
So, try to observe quiet hours and respect the space other campers have chosen as well.
Bring Enough Clothes
Be a smart camper and prepare for all kinds of weather conditions. You might need a rain jacket in case it rains, and a sweater or jacket for cold evenings. Always be prepared.
Don’t Forget Your Medication
If you have any kind of allergies, then make sure that you could sufficiently manage it. If you’re taking routine medicine, then that should be one of your first priorities when packing your things.
A great piece of advice for new campers is to have fun and enjoy, even if you encounter a couple of hitches along the way. Always keep a positive mindset, take these tips into heart, and just go with the flow!
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