Ber Months Camping: 6 Ways to Stay Warm On Camp
Due to the colder weather, the ber months are probably the ideal months to go on an exciting camping adventure. However, it also means that you have to brave a camp surrounded by the chilly wind and the freezing nighttime air. There is no doubt that you have to do extra preparation to stay comfortable especially when the temperature drops during the evenings. But it’s not as tricky as it looks with proper planning, together with the right clothing and equipment.
If you’re planning to go outdoors during the ber months, this post will give you a step-by-step guide for you to stay warm as make the most of your upcoming camping experience.
Keep Track of Your Body Temperature
It’s vital that you remain in-synch with your body. Don’t wait to grab an extra layer of clothing or blanket when you feel cold. Grab that extra layer as soon as the temperature starts to drop at night. The longer you stay that way in the cold, the longer will your body take to heat up again.
Stay Warm with Sleeping Bags
Resist the urge putting on all your clothes at once as this might make you feel a lot colder. Sleeping bags are there to use some of your body heat, providing you with that extra warmth. It’s going to work at its highest function if you have hundreds of layers blocking the natural body heat coming from the bag.
Also, note that the specific style of a sleeping bag gives a different effect on the warmth it gives off. For example, a mummy-type bag is significantly warmer than the others. However, if you’re not willing to compromise the roominess other types of sleeping bags provide you, you can manage by putting on a duvet on top of the bag with several layers in it.
Warm Yourself Up Before Sleeping
Chances are, if you already go to your sleeping bag cold, you are likely to stay that way even with some additional layers. Therefore, keep in mind that before snoozing off, you can go for a quick stroll, get a warm drink, or do a couple of exercise routine just enough to bring your body’s temperature up a little bit.
Tent Size & Head Count Matters
A bigger tent that sleeps fewer people means that the entire space will be cooler compared to having a smaller tent size. Therefore, try to avoid larger tents. Not only smaller tents are cozier, but they’re also warmer as well.
Also, the sleeping compartments of smaller tents are easier to warm up than larger ones. Therefore, if you’re camping with just some people, consider downsizing it. You can also consider switching to a polycotton or canvass tent as they work better in conserving heat.
Sleep With a Hot Water Bag or Bottle
Do you know that a hot water bottle or water bag in your sleeping bag can make you stay warm on cold, chilly nights? Going to bed with a plastic bottle filled with hot water helps you sleep soundly even if the temperature can drop in your tent. Put it between your legs ensuring that it’s hitting your femoral artery. If the heat’s too hot, wrap it with a blanket and place it in between your legs.
Tent Carpet and Rugs
A significant amount of heat is mostly lost on a tent’s bare ground. Therefore, covering the tent’s floor with warm carpets and rugs helps add that additional layer of insulation. Although these tent carpets might be expensive, if your budget allows it, these can help transform your tent into a more home-like shelter.
Use Appropriate Clothing
Ideally, use clothing that repels moisture, keeping you dry. For example, choose wool or synthetic over cotton. Also, don’t forget to bring along a pair of socks. Make sure that everything’s dry and not even slightly damp.
Consider dressing in layers rather than wearing thick fleeces. Doing so ensures that you stay warm, and prevent you from overheating at the same time.
Enjoy Camping With Your Buddies
Nothing beats the warmth of a human body. Sleeping with your mates inside the tent will surely keep the conversation going, as well as making everyone feel warm and comfortable during the entire duration of the trip.
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