How To Ask Your Boss For a Team Building Budget
Work can be stressful – the reality is that no day in the office is easy. You’re always swamped with work assignments, deadlines, and responsibilities, continually keeping you on the edge, with your stress levels up. However, wouldn’t it be nice to take a relaxing break away from work? If only you could convince your boss to take everyone on a corporate team building event, then your plans could be perfect. But here’s the challenging part ‒ how do you ask for the budget, ensuring that the entire activity pushes through?
Asking your boss for a team building budget might be daunting, do not worry! On this post, we’ll discuss five helpful tips to make sure that your team building budget gets approved:
Answer The W’s First Before Making a Pitch
Before you consider the possibility, prepare ahead of time. Be explicit as possible, especially with addressing the issue of how a corporate team building event can significantly impact your work life.
Prepare yourself by listing down the possible questions:
- What team building activity are we talking about? (Indoor, outdoor, karaoke, or happy nights?)
- Why do you need a team building activity?
- Why should we invest in a team building event?
- Does this solve any problem or help the company moving forward?
- How many people or participants are we talking about here?
Pitch and Open the Idea to Your Boss
The next thing that you should do is making sure that your idea gets into your boss’ radar. Although it’s tempting to shoot them an email instantly together with a detailed outline of the reasons why your company should explore the idea, you’ll likely be successful with your pitch if you chose to set up a face to face meeting.
Here’s the bottom line ‒ although it requires a lot of work on your part in ensuring a conversation with your boss, personally pitching your idea will benefit everyone in the long run.
If The Pitch Wins, See How It Impacts The Participants
Somewhere along the way, you would find yourself wrestling with the different challenges and responsibilities that you tend to lose sight of the basics.
Ideally, present your idea in a way that shows how these activities can be valuable to the company and its employees. When laying out your presentation, it’s your job to state the opportunities the company might be missing out. Doing so provides a greater chance that your boss will share your vision and what the future will be after you implement your proposal.
Make Sure That Your Team Building Idea Is Budget Savvy
Sometimes, as much as your boss might be willing to send you in on an expensive location and allocate the company’s resources on activities that are purely leisure, there isn’t just enough budget. Depending on what company and organization you belong to, your boss will have a different pull concerning the budgeting. Therefore, suggesting a financially responsible solution will reflect positively on you. It also increases the possibility that your request will be approved.
Give Your Boss Alternative Options to Choose From
You’re almost there. Present your boss with different options to choose from. Although your heart might be set on a particular activity or place, you should still consider two comparable options.
It’s crucial not to fall with the shiny object syndrome because it makes you overlook the less flashy, but better solution. It’s vital that you show your boss that you’ve thought your way through, weighing the pros and cons when it comes to proposing your allocated budget.
Your Budget Got Approved – Now What?
Without a doubt, getting everyone to enjoy the entire event outside of the workplace is crucial. However, as someone who’s responsible for getting the budget approved, it’s also your responsibility in giving your boss feedback. Chances are, there’s a greater likelihood that your boss will support your pitches in the future if you can show the positive results of the team building activity.
To measure team building success, you can do this by clicking the link below:
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