Boost Your Employees’ Productivity with These Team Building Activities
Employee productivity is an important driver towards company goals. However, it tends to be quite fickle to maintain.
With that said, team building activities can help develop and boost employee productivity. Here are some of them below that you can try for your own team:
In this activity, teams will be able to develop their communication skills better.
Communication skills are essential during the average workday, which is why the Telephone activity is excellent for team building.
The game of Telephone is simple. The person on one end of the line receives a message that they must send down the line. Then, the person at the other end of the line will announce what the message is to everyone.
Whiteboard Back-to-Back Drawing
In this activity, coordination and group thinking is essential to winning. What you’ll need for this activity is a whiteboard, a marker, and a blindfold. For each team, two volunteers are required to step in front.
They will have their backs to each other. One person faces the whiteboard blindfolded. The other is handed an image that they must describe to the blindfolded person who must draw what they’re describing. The rest of the team should then try and guess what they’re drawing.
Barter Puzzle
The art of negotiation is another skill that is needed in the workplace. With the barter puzzle, this is put to the test.
All you will need is a set of puzzles for each team. Each team will get a jigsaw puzzle that they must complete. These puzzles have the same difficulty. The first team to finish the puzzle wins.
However, the catch is that one piece in the puzzle is mixed in with a different team’s puzzle. Each team must then negotiate with other teams so that they can get their piece.
Stereotype Party
Learning how to ask the right questions is also an important task in the workplace. With the Stereotype Party, you can learn how to do this better.
First, write some personality types on name tags and put them on people’s backs. The goal is for people to find out who they are by asking yes or no questions to their team members. You can write personality types like Celebrity, Mother, Doctor, and so on.
Island Survival
Finding out how each team member thinks makes it easier to collaborate with them. In Island Survival, people get to see an insight into how they solve problems.
Each team has to imagine themselves stuck on a deserted island. There they see 20 items wash up on the shore. However, they can only keep five. At the end of the activity, each team must present the items that they chose and why.
The facilitator should then discuss how they observed each team came to these conclusions and how decisions were made.
Follow the Leader
Follow the leader is a game where one individual has to guess which person in the group is the leader. The rest of the group tries to mimic the action of the leader without the guesser noticing. The leader must make their move without being noticed as well.
This activity helps people become better leaders, as well as observe nonverbal cues better.
Egg Drop
This activity is fun, develops critical thinking, and coordination. In this activity, the goal is for each team to create a structure that if an egg drops onto it from a distance, the egg won’t break.
Make sure you provide them with enough materials that they can use to create said structure. Also, don’t forget to prepare cleaning materials in advance just in case.
Laser tag is another excellent team-building activity that you can do outside of the office.
This game is simple. Each team has to score the most points based on how many members from the opposing team they were able to shoot.
Not only is it a fun activity, but it also helps develop coordination between teams as well. Just make sure that you book a reservation at a laser tag center available to you so that you don’t have any logistical issues.
Blindfold Square
For this activity, you need a larger area to play, a long rope, and blindfolds.
Each member is blindfolded and has to hold onto a part of the rope. The goal is for them to be able to create a perfect square out of the rope that they’re holding.
In this game, trust, teamwork, and communication is the key to achieving their goals. Make sure that you protect the blindfolded people properly so that they don’t hurt themselves doing this activity.
Zen Counting
This is a fairly simple yet funny activity, and you don’t need any materials.
All you need to do is to get everyone to count from one to ten. The catch is that only one person can say each number and if there are ever two people who say it at the same time, then they have to start over.
Although it’s a simple game, it can make for quite funny bits. Plus, it’s really effective in making everyone feel like they want to participate and reach the goal.
Hopefully, these team building activities are as fun as they are helpful in boosting productivity in the workplace.
Organizing these activities not only helps with developing a sense of camaraderie in people, but it’s also great to improve the mood in the office.
Combine all of these advantages, and it will help make employees better workers, more focused, and thus, more productive in the long run.
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