Why Nature Exploration Is Vital To School Kids Growth
As a parent, we all want our kids to be happy, healthy and physically fit. Introducing them outdoors, to the ever-changing and free-flowing environment where they can develop a life-long connection with the natural world, is perhaps, one of the best gifts that we can give.
But as you can see, young people spend less time going these days outdoors with the increased access to technology right at their fingertips- smartphones, laptops, and gadgets become more and more accessible in this generation than they have in the past.
In the book Last Child in the Woods (Louv, 2005), the author Richard Louv coins the phenomenon as the “nature-deficit disorder.” In here, he writes about the disconnection of most children from the outside world.
Most schools hold regular field trips and excursions to counter this ‒ they know that learning things outside is crucial for students to experience the real thing.
Kids Intellectual Skills
Of course, the natural world will always remain a massive, open-ended laboratory. There will always be an inner scientist in a child that’s thirsty to learn and explore new things. They want to experience new smells, sounds, sights, and textures. Nature offers numerous opportunities for self-discovery, growth, creativity and problem-solving.
Allowing your child to interact with the natural environment helps them learn and experiment with new ideas. Nature challenges children to think, question and challenge inquisitive minds.
This kind of structure allows them to interact meaningfully with their surroundings, enhancing their creativity and developing their imagination. As a result, they can think more freely, tackle and solve whatever problems that are hurled in their path in more inventive ways.
Emotional Advantages
Continually being outside and communing with nature has numerous health benefits. In fact, studies have backed the idea that constantly spending time outdoors can significantly impact one’s health. Being exposed to green spaces improves the overall quality of life, boost the immune system, and help manage stress. Not to mention, being in natural environments helps one to develop a sense of pleasure and not fatigue.
Nature becomes your child’s ultimate playground ‒ they can freely run, climb, hop, skip, roll, shout and express themselves. It gives a sense of relaxation as well as decrease tension and anxiety.
Social Skills Grow
Allowing children to play outdoors gives them several great opportunities to interact with different faces and new playmates. In nature, children can rather play by themselves or with others as they learn to share, connect and solve problems. They can think of creative ways to collaborate, set rules, and make their own games.
School-age children may find themselves exploring outside, identifying a problem, with the opportunity of solving it, without inhibition. When being exposed to natural environments, even loud, spirited young children tend to slow down and focus on being gentler.
Physical Health Benefits
Nature will always offer a relaxing, invigorating retreat that energizes the mind, body, and soul. It also gives endless opportunities for physical activity and can build strong, healthy and athletic bodies. Not only that, constant exposure to sunlight helps your kids absorb Vitamin D, which can help build a stronger immune system.
By always being engaged in outdoor play, your child is sure to become physically more active than playing indoors. The benefits of regular exercise are amazing ‒ either your child likes biking through the park, or joining a local soccer game. Not only that, it allows them to be more focused, and sharp which can be a benefit for kids with ADHD.
To Conclude
Our kids need to go outside and engage with nature. With the advent of new technology these days, most children prefer to stay indoors and have lesser contact with the natural world around them. As a result, this can make a significant impact on their health and development growing up.
Having a free and unconstructive play outdoors improves problem-solving skills, discipline, and focus. Socially, your school kid can enhance self-awareness, flexibility, and cooperation. The emotional benefits include increased overall happiness and reduced aggression. Your child will become smarter, get along well with others, and be healthier.
Nature exploration helps children tackle their own challenges and assesses potential risks that are vital to their growth as an individual. They unknowingly take responsibility and create exciting adventures among themselves.
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