How Team Building Can Change the Dynamics of Your Team
In the early 1940’s, psychologist and change management expert Kurt Lewin was credited for conceiving the term “group dynamics”, which explains that people usually assume distinguishable roles and behaviors when working together with a group of people. This also describes what effects these roles and behaviors have on other people in the group and the group as a whole. Through the years, researchers continue to build on this idea, putting Lewin’s work in a central position when it comes to exemplary people management.
As researchers find more discoveries in relation to group dynamics, there are now plenty of ways in building good team dynamics – one of which is by participating in team building activities. Since team building is one of the best ways to build group dynamics, it’s important for teams, especially at work, to go on a team building every once in a while in order to maximize the team’s output and promote synergy among the group.
Group dynamics is a continuous work, here’s how team building can help develop your team dynamics:
Games push communication
Since playing games with a group will compel each other to strategize and organize, they are put in a position where communication is key to work as a team. This breaks barriers, making it possible for team members to initiate a conversation where they can get to know one another and connect with their colleagues.
If for example, a team is required to solve a puzzle as a group, team members will be required to talk to each other in order to find the best solution to the problem. If you want to highlight and demonstrate the importance of communication among the team, think of an activity that will, instead, prohibit team members from speaking out loud. Imagine how challenging it will be to work together without talking!
Activities require teamwork
Obviously, teamwork can only be exercised and developed by performing tasks that are done by the group. By going out for a day of team building activities, teamwork can be easily established, especially with the right set of exercises.
Some teamwork activities are designed with the purpose of supporting group dynamics by building trust and pushing people to communicate by putting people in situations where their ability to work as a team is put to the test.
Team building brings out great leaders
It is common for group activities to get someone to take initiative and make decisions for the team. As team members go through an exercise, natural leaders will eventually rise up to the occasion.
Group dynamics can be improved through team building activities since leadership skills are heavily-emphasized. Good leaders are naturally responsible for conflict management, decision-making, and most importantly, set the team’s vision into motion. While these responsibilities might seem too big for a simple team building activities, its building-blocks can certainly be exercised through team building activities.
Stirs enthusiasm and energy
Team building activities are notoriously known for being exhaustive, and for good reason. At work, most employees will be stuck on their desks seated for hours every day, which has been found to cause lower energy levels, as well as some ailments. Team building activities will allow employees to get on their feet and move around, which may even be just what some of your employees need to remember the importance of exercise and being active. At Quest Adventure, there are a number of team building activities you can choose from. These activities will definitely get your team moving!
In addition, since team building activities can help your employees find new peers among their coworkers, this can help elevate their enthusiasm at work. It’s been found that having friends at work is likely to increase an employee’s engagement level by seven times. They’re also more likely to be happier and healthier, making them much more effective at work.
In summary
Undoubtedly, team building is a fun way to promote camaraderie and synergy that will eventually help your organization perform well. A day of team building activities will have a number of good benefits for your company, especially when it comes to team dynamics. Get in touch with us today and start planning your company’s team building activity to improve your team’s dynamics and find success!
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