Five Secrets of A Successful Team Building for Your Company
Team-building is a good way to promote work-life balance in a company. Team-building activities are designed in a way that workmates can get to know each other, and this leads to more harmonious work relations, that are seen to help produce better output at work.
The benefits of building through play are undeniable, and that is why companies that are concerned with their human resource do invest time, effort, and money to come up with a team-building activity that would be enjoyed by the employees, and at the same time, would bring about the benefits
No matter how great the potential rewards of a holding a team-building is, not all are made to be successful. To help you avoid wasting valuable resources on a wasteful endeavor, we would want to share some secrets on how to ensure that your team-building activity will be worth it. Here are the five secrets of a successful team-building for your company:
First secret: Let your employees participate in on the planning.
Empowerment boosts your employees’ morale. Allowing your employees to participate in decision-making activities is one way to empower them. As team-building activities do not have much impact on critical matters, then you can ask your employees to help in deciding where, when, and how to hold one. Your employees are the ones who will be attending this activity anyway, so it is best that you are able to choose what they really want – and if ever there would be varying suggestions, at least it would be settled right then and there what the best choice is, so there would be no blaming later. So, hold an assembly and have all participate in planning for your team-building.
As a bonus, you would also be able to find from your employees who among them have natural leadership abilities. At least one of your employees would stand out and show promise. You would be given a chance to see who among your employees have the potential for managerial posts. Now this is a win-win, right?
Second secret: Schedule your team-building during work hours.
Team-building activities are work-related endeavors and should be treated as such. Also, it has been mentioned that team-building promotes work-life balance, and it would be counterintuitive to take the personal time of your employees for an activity that has something to do with work. It may be a difficult decision to make, but this will ensure your employees will know that you are giving them time away from work to relax, and bond.
So, choose a schedule that would allow your employees to leave during a work week – a day that where little transactions would be done, or simply inform your clients ahead of time that you will be having a team-building at this certain date.
Third secret: Hold your team-building offsite.
This isn’t exactly much of a secret, but some companies try to cut costs and hold their team-building activity within their own facility, especially if the company has space for it. However, if you want to make the best out of your activity, then make sure that you hold it in a place that your employees would not think about work, and thus, offsite.
There would also be fewer distractions if you hold your team-building in another location. Employees won’t be tempted to go to their desks, which would end up some doing work. So, don’t – just don’t do it in the office.
Furthermore, there are lots of team-building facilities that are designed to provide the ultimate team-building experience, so book yourself in one. There would be equipment and materials that you would need for a lot of games and activities that may not be in your office.
It really would make a lot of difference if you hold your team-building offsite so please just do.
Fourth secret: You should build one team, not a couple of small teams within the company.
A lot of team-building activities involve dividing the company into small teams that would compete against each other to win a prize. And sometimes, competitions get a little bit out of hand and the relationship that you are trying to foster would turn out to be a failure. Worse is when opposing teams start feeling negative around each other even when the activity is over.
A better idea is to ask everyone to do things collaboratively instead of competitively. Ensure that your employees know that all of you form just one team working on a common goal and that everyone will be rewarded if you are able to accomplish the different challenges that would be set in the activity. This would give better results and would help prevent rivalry that would happen otherwise
Fifth secret: Foster an environment where everyone is on equal footing.
The last secret that we can share for a successful team-building is that during the activity, ranks should be disregarded. Everyone should be equal. No managers, no executives, no rank-and-file staff. Everybody would be equal even just for a day. Everybody would be participating, and no one will boss others around.
Your team-building activity would be so much better if the higher-ups would just be relaxing while their staff does all the hard work. When your employees see their supervisor, or their managers participate with them, they would feel more empowered to participate too. And this would go beyond the team-building activity, and when you go back to work, all without compromising respect, of course.
So again, foster equality during your activity, it would truly help. This is a secret that should not be taken for granted for a truly successful team-building.
Turn your team-building a success with our secrets!
We have shared with you our secrets – so now they’re no longer secrets. But that’s alright. We want to share with each company how team-building should truly be. And with our secrets, we hope that we can make a difference in how team-building activities are done. So, apply our secrets, and turn your team-building a success!
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