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6 Ways Team Building Can Help Your Business Grow

To some business owners and managers, team building is expensive and something that they are just forced to do. What they do not know is that such company activity has a purpose that can help your business grow.

This includes recognizing your employees’ personality type, developing teamwork and camaraderie, enhancing problem-solving skills, allowing your employees to socialize, and encouraging them to turn their passion into reality.

This can result in something that you can leverage to make your business grow. And here are six ways to show you how:

1. Reinforced Company Culture

What most business owners and managers do wrong when organizing team building is that they do not take the opportunity to reinforce company culture.

Basically, company culture is how the management and employees handle external relations. It is reflected in their dress code, company set up, employee ethics, client satisfaction, management strategies, and more.

According to Frances Frei and Anne Morriss, “Employees make hundreds of decisions on their own every day, and culture is our guide. Culture tells us what to do when the CEO isn’t in the room, which is, of course, most of the time.”

How can team building activities help reinforce company culture? For one, it helps your employees understand one another. They get to learn to rely on each other, develop problem-solving skills, which can be translated into re-occurring issues in the company.

It can also help develop their communication skills, making your employees cohesive, and therefore the building block of effective company culture.

2. Improved Productivity

Improving your employees’ productivity is one of the common goals of team building. With the help of activity-based and problem-solving activities, your team will learn how to work together and think logically in finding solutions.

Some team building activities you can try are The Adventure Tower, Mango Rope Course, and the Gemilina Rope Course.

Through these activities, they will get to know the strengths and weaknesses of their colleagues, learn to rely on each other. They will also find opportunities on how to transfer their newfound skills to their work.

For your part, take advantage of team building activities to identify ways to improve the policies, processes, and procedures in your business (also known as the “three Ps”). Doing so can help you eliminate redundancy in the company, allowing your employees to work efficiently and effectively.

And when they are efficient and effective, the more productive they become. Eventually, this can result in an increase in revenue for your business.

3. More Motivated Employees

While it is good to know that team building can help your employees be productive at work, there is actually a caveat. Productivity can only happen if they are motivated to work.

According to Heryati Ramlan, here are some ways you can do to motivate your employees:

  • Create a friendly work environment
  • Keep the communication lines open
  • Employ positive reinforcement
  • Provide training that can advance their skills
  • Do not be boring

This is where personality and skill-based team building activities could come in handy.

For example, you can run The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to know and understand your employees’ personalities. You can host workshops or training that are either suited to their personality or can help them complement other personalities.

It is also good to organize skill-based activities because (1) it can help everyone figure out where they are really good at and (2) you would know how to best leverage their skills to make your business grow.

4. Better Communication

What makes business processes effective is clear and open communication. And you can foster and improve your employees’ communication skills by organizing social team building activities.

You can try playing Life-Size Foosball. It requires every member of the team to communicate the direction to block an opponent’s ball to hit the goal. What’s cool about this activity is that you can do it rain or shine.

But if you are the indoor type, you can go for a blindfold game, wherein an employee should rely on his teammates’ voice to finish a task. The good thing about this activity is that you can organize this in your conference room.

5. Increased Collaboration

Generally, team building encourages collaboration and teamwork. After all, a lot of tasks are too big for an individual to take on alone.

Even something as simple as getting out of an escape room can push your employees to work together, discover each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They will learn new skills (you’d be surprised to know that one of your employees is exceptionally good at solving riddles).

This spirit of collaboration can be applied at work, provided that you open the gates of opportunity. So, instead of dropping one big task to your employees, why not let their department head break it down and delegate every component to the right people?

6. Developed Leadership Skills

As we always say here at Quest Adventure Camp, excellent leadership is not an inborn talent. But that does not mean that you cannot develop it. This is where structured team building activities come in handy.

You can try The Adventure Tower that comes with seven exciting challenges. It is a fusion of wall climbing and obstacle course. Other indoor activities can hone future leaders in your company.

Regardless, it is always a good idea to invest in leadership training and team-building activities. A business that has a manager with excellent leadership skills can help foster productivity among employees.


Organizing a team building activity might seem like a waste of time. But it doesn’t have to be that way if you plan it correctly with the help of a professional team building facilitator.

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