5 Must Know Health Benefits of Active Living for Kids
Technology abounds in this day and age. With that said, there are many temptations for tired parents to leave energetic children some gadgets and let them play by themselves. Although this is an understandable sentiment, it is not very ideal for the growth of the children.
A study has shown that leaving children on their own and letting gadgets do the brunt of the parenting work for you has adverse effects. The most significant impact is that it hinders the speech development of the child.
Thus, it is crucial to the kids’ development to keep them active. Although everybody already knows this to be accurate, it is still nice to know exactly how active living benefits the health of children. On that note, read on below to find out the benefits of physical life to kids.
Enhances Emotional Well-Being
It has been a known fact that exercising can significantly uplift your emotional well-being. Exercise uplifts emotional well-being because activity encourages the body to release endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that reduce the feeling of pain and stress in a person.
Not only does exercise help make you feel good, but it helps pump blood into your brain. When kids are active, it not only stimulates the body but it also engages the mind. An engaged brain helps kids be more focused and betters memory in children, which is especially crucial for school-age kids.
Another contributor to a better sense of emotional well-being is the fact that exercise can help kids have a better relationship with their body. A great relationship with one’s body gives them a better sense of self and encourages the right foundation for excellent self-image to bloom.
Strengthens the Heart and Lungs
Kids are still growing people, so it is essential to start a good habit to set them up in the long run. Parents should be the first to encourage a physically active lifestyle. Studies have proven that regular physical activity lessens the probability of a kid developing heart or lung diseases later in life.
When kids live a sedentary life, they are more at risk of getting heart and lung diseases. Thus, aerobic exercises can help improve the cardiovascular health of kids. Encouraging your kids to walk or cycle is a great start. Both are simple exercises that any kid can try that won’t cause too much resistance from them.
On that note, do remember to make the kids do some light stretches and warm-ups so as not to stress their body out too fast.
Controls Weight
Speaking of heart and lung disease, kids that live a sedentary lifestyle often deal with weight issues. The weight issues form because calories that kids get from food serve as the fuel for their day-to-day activities. When a child does not exercise, the calories that they accumulated from the food that they ate will go unused and become fat.
There are many health risks for kids that are overweight. From diabetes to heart disease, there is much at stake to a child’s health if their body weight is poorly maintained.
On the other hand, an active child converts said calories into energy. Thus, they won’t accumulate fat and gain weight.
Improves Energy Levels
An energetic child is often the sign of a healthy child. Plus, energy is something to expect from young kids. However, when a parent lets their child get used to sitting around at home doing nothing too physically taxing, then energy levels will get a significant drop.
Although tired parents may temporarily see this as a good thing, this is a bad thing in the long run. Thus, it is crucial that you encourage high energy levels in your kids and find the right avenue for kids to spend their energy on.
Let them try out some sports that they may like or make physical activity a family thing. Cycling is excellent fun for both adults and kids. It’s simple to do and fun for everyone.
Improves Sleep Quality
Finally, active living also significantly improves the quality of children’s sleep. A lot of experienced parents already know that tiring out your kids before bed is an excellent way to get them to sleep through the night.
Again, poor sleep quality can place people at a higher risk for many illnesses. Aside from that, poor sleep affects a person’s general mood and outlook overall. Thus, it is vital that parents monitor their kids’ quality of sleep.
With that said, physically active kids sleep better. Better sleep for kids make them less grumpy in the morning and throughout the day. Aside from that, physical activity can also make kids sleep deeper. A night of deep sleep will make them less sleepy in school and more productive overall.
Active living has many benefits on the well-being of your children. Not only does it improve their physical well-being, but it also dramatically improves their mental health. There is a lot that active living does both for kids and parents.
An active child is happier and healthier which is great news for parents. There are already many things to keep in mind when a person has kids. With an active kid, there are a lot fewer problems to worry about for parents everywhere.
On that note, incorporating a more active lifestyle should not be a drastic change that can be difficult to include in your everyday life. When you make it a way to bond with your kids, then it is easier to do, and kids will have the encouragement they need to make exercise a regular part of their life.
Don’t wait to make this shift to an active life for your kids to a later date. Start now so that you can get a headstart to a better experience for you and your kids.
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