11 Team Building Activities You Can Do During the Rainy Season
The rainy season doesn’t have to stop any of your plans on their tracks. As long as you’re creative with it, you can find several things you can do to bond with your team even when it’s raining.
Check out these 11 team building activities you can do even during the rainy season.
Bag-O-Stuff Improv Skit
In this activity, all you need is to split people into two teams, preferably with eight to ten members for each team. Then, provide each team with a bag filled with all sorts of random items. With these items, their task is to create a skit using all of the items within thirty minutes.
This team-building activity fosters creativity in the team and is going to be a great time for both the people in the skit and for those who’re going to watch it.
Baby Food Roulette
In baby food roulette, the only thing that you’ll need are spoons and a variety of baby food in different flavors. Then, without telling anyone, ask for several volunteers for this game.
In this activity, they will form a circle. You give them one of the baby food jars and then play a song. Once the music stops, whoever is holding the jar of baby food will have to eat a spoonful. Whoever had to eat the spoonful is removed from the game. The game ends when only one person remains.
Chinese Auction
If you’re camping, then split each group based on location. Then, instruct each group to bring all sorts of items that they think they might need for this next activity without telling them what this activity is.
Then, gather them around. In this activity, you will present an item (preferably creative ones) and ask people to create it out of the items that they’ve brought with them. Set up a points system to find out the winner.
Dead Beaver
The dead beaver can be an activity to do to lower the energy levels in the room. All you need to do is instruct everyone to find a space that’s not near someone too much. Then, whoever’s facilitating yells “dead beaver” and nobody’s allowed to move. The last person remaining wins.
Electric Fence
For this all you need is a makeshift fence. The goal is for members of a team to cross the fence without touching the fence. The team must help one another go over the fence. To make it more exciting, they have to compete with other teams to get everyone to cross over first.
Should they touch the fence, one person who’s already made it to the other side along with the one who touched it has to go back.
Hole Tarp
You’ll need a tennis ball and a tarp with holes on it. Everyone on the team must hold one part of the tarp. The goal is to get the tennis ball on the tarp for as long as possible without the tennis ball falling into the hole of the tarpaulin.
Make people compete against one another and whoever lasts the longest wins.
Tongue Twister Race
Give each team a tongue twister and make them form a circle. One person will recite the tongue twister and if they recite it accurately and quickly enough, they get to stay in the circle. If they don’t, they have to go to the middle of the circle. Last one remaining wins.
Over and Under
What you’ll need are two buckets, one filled with water and the other empty, and a sponge. Each team should form a line facing each other. The one at the front of the line is holding the bucket with water and a sponge, the one at the very end has the empty bucket.
The one at the front of the line has to soak the sponge with as much water as possible then pass it over their head to the one behind them. After that, the sponge must be passed between the legs and so on and so forth in an alternating manner.
Once the sponge reaches the end, the person at the end must squeeze the sponge of all its water then run to the front and replace the person in the front. The game ends once everyone had the chance to be the front and back. The team with most water wins.
Hover Ball
Tie several ropes to a basket with a ball on it. Each team member has to hold one end of the rope. The goal is to not let the ball fall as the team goes through a series of obstacles. If the ball falls, they have to start again.
Air Pong
Place a ping pong ball in the middle of a table. Each team member has their hands tied behind their backs. The goal is for them to blow the ball off the side of the table of the enemy. Team with the most points at the end wins.
Water Balloon Toss
Team members stand in front of each other with at least two meters of distance between them and throw the water balloon. Each time they catch it successfully, they have to step back until the gap is wider. Whichever team lasts the longest wins.
The changing of seasons doesn’t mean it can rain on your parade and stop you from organizing a team-building activity. These 11 team-building activities above are sure to be a fun time for everyone involved, rain or shine!
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