10 Best Indoor Team Building Activities That You Will Actually Enjoy
Team building games are there to foster a collaborative and motivated work culture, promote productivity, creativity and out of the box thinking. It’s also known to boost employee morale and develop meaningful connections among employees.
This article aims to capture the ten best indoor team building activities that infuse fun and creativity to help build your company’s dream teams.
1. The Plane Crash
Participants need to imagine that the entire group had a plane crash and are now stuck in a deserted island. Then, the group must choose 12 items that they believe are most useful for their survival while being stranded on a deserted island. They’ll also have to rank these things from the most important to the least.
The purpose of this activity is to boost teamwork and collaboration. Also, tapping to each members’ creative skills by thinking outside of the box, because they’ll have to make do of the items that are limited.
2. Beat the Clock
Beat the clock is another corporate team building activity that tests a group’s time management and strategy. Each team aims to complete the challenge as quickly as possible so that they’ll be the ones to finish all the challenges in the shortest amount of time.
3. Classify This
Members have to collect at 20 different items and place them on the table. The broader the category of these items, the better. Then, these items have to be classified with no apparent connections with one another.
Participants are then broken down into teams and must classify the objects into four groups. Once of all the teams are finished they will then explain how they decided to group the items. Each group has different conclusions arranging the pieces by size, color, material, etc.
The activity forges teamwork and encourages members to think creatively. It helps them rethink everyday objects and finding relevant connections with the items that they first thought are unrelated to one another.
4. Team Work of Art
Participants are divided into small teams, and their task is painting in one of the giant canvasses. Armed with brush, paint, and other materials, the team have to work harmoniously to create a great piece of art.
Members soon realize, that for them to be successful, they have to co-operate with the other teams. Therefore, they needed to have a view of the ‘bigger picture’ to ensure that they succeed. The activity help facilitate teamwork, cooperation, and communication among teams.
5. Use What You Have
In this game, participants are split into two equal groups. They’re given instructions with a goal to create something. But in reaching that goal, they encounter several restrictions.
For instance, their task is to create a way to move a marble from point A to point B without using rubber bands, electricity, (or can be anything.) Teams are also given a specific amount of time to complete the mission using a set of supplies.
Members must possess a substantial amount of teamwork and creative problem-solving skills if they only have limited options. It also encourages friendly competition among teams.
6. Get to Know Me!
In this activity, everyone is requested to break into pairs. Ideally, they have to find someone they’re not sitting with previously or do not know well.
Then, they have to ask their pair three questions:
- Name something that you are proud of both in your work and personal life.
- Tell something unique about you that most people don’t know
- Interviewers choice ‒ At this point, any question can be asked by the interviewer.
The activity is a fun and effective way for others to know their colleagues, especially that ones that they don’t know that well.
7. Scrapheap Challenge
In the Scrapheap Challenge, the wildest ideas can sometimes be the winning ideas. Each team must go through their goody bags that have the essential materials, equipment, and design information. Then, they’ll actively plan what they’ll build, how it will look like, how it will work, and how it will best out the other team’s works.
This particular challenge helps individuals express freely express their ideas in a fun and open environment and can put off the world concepts into the test without limitations.
8. See What I Mean?
In this activity, a participant draws basic shapes, and a volunteer describes the picture that is drawn to everyone else.
Without exactly seeing the picture, each team member tries to reproduce the picture based only on what the other member is telling them. The end goal is for everyone to create the same image.
While it’s highly unlikely for everyone to get the same results, some aspects in the picture will be more similar with others. The activity emphasizes the importance of verbal communication, and how it can be interpreted differently sometimes by other people.
9. 3 Truths and a Lie
3 Truths and a Lie is an exciting, getting-to-know-you activity wherein each participant states three facts about themselves and a single lie. The truths can be structured to be as fun and creative as the participants wish, and the lie should be completely believable.
Then, everyone has to decide which facts to believe, and which one is a lie. This activity is an excellent way for everyone to get to know each other, it also makes participants learn more about themselves, too.
10. The Spider Web
In this activity, everyone is asked to form a big circle. One participant will then hold a ball of twine and tell an embarrassing story about themselves. Afterward, they will keep the end of the twine and throw it to someone else in the circle. That person will tell an embarrassing event about them as well.
Then, the twine will be continued to pass around from one participant to the next. The end goal is to create a spider web with the string, connecting everyone.
This game shows the participants that no matter how different they are from each other, even with different experiences, they all have the same feelings and emotions. Thus, it makes them more connected ways that than they initially imagined.
To Wrap It Up
The success of an organization largely depends mostly on how people can connect for mutual benefit. That’s why investing in a fun, and highly-engaging teambuilding activities are essential.
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